
Thank you for you all for visiting this blog.
I'd like to restart when I will have prepared for something good for writing.

I really appreciate you, from many countries of the world, and your kindness that made me encouraged in many ways.

I had some problems about posting, the size of photos and so on, and need to
learn how to solve them. I'm very sorry for having deleted these latest posts
because of such problems, yet I thank you so much for your warm comments.

May 2013 would bring you amount of fulfilled and agreeable moments.


14 件のコメント:

Jen さんのコメント...

I'm sorry you are having trouble and hope you get it fixed soon. I love your pictures--the ones in your posts of course, and I always enjoy the ones you have on the side. Come back soon, my friend!

haricot さんのコメント...

Thank you for your kindness.
Probably it's my problem because of my poor knowledge about handling PC.

Please let me comment for your posts even when there are difficulties on mine.

In My Wild Eden さんのコメント...

I hope it all gets worked out soon. We will be waiting for you and missing you!

haricot さんのコメント...


Thank you so much for your encouraging comment. I'll go for it.

stardust さんのコメント...

I’m going to miss your lovely posts. I like your tanka poem, introduced poem by you, and your reflective writing in the stream of consciousness above all. I’ll be glad to guide you how to resize photos over telephone while using computer on each side. Please feel free to call me, when you feel inclined to. I hope the problems be fixed sooner and I’ll be expecting to see your start afresh.


Z さんのコメント...

I know a lot of people who have problems with photos, so I sympathise. I hope you get the problem solved soon.

haricot さんのコメント...


Thank you for your kind and helpful comment. I'm so glad to be able to have your advice when you have time. I know you have a lot to do, so I will make effort to solve this problem as far as possible, though I feel being encouraged enough.

haricot さんのコメント...


I came to know that I have few knowledge about PC. I'm deleting useless photos and minimizing some and the GB decreased to under I GB that was for free, but the problem have not been solved.

Thank you for your warm comment, Z.

sarah さんのコメント...

私も前、写真のサイズを小さくしないでアップしてたので、許容容量を超えそうになり、昔の写真をデリートしました。ところが、この間 あのサイトを開いたら、私の使える量が、すごくふえてるので、びっくりしました。どうなってるのか、よく解りません。

cosmos さんのコメント...


haricot さんのコメント...




Tomoko さんのコメント...


haricot さんのコメント...

Red Rose


Dave King さんのコメント...

Delightful as always, but the image of the birds in flight seen through the tree branches... how stunning is that? I can find no words to do it justice!