
song of autumn

In these two weeks the temperature became moderate so rapidly,
but again autumn seems to hesitate to visit at a gallop.

However, the weather is suitable for walking even for a people like me who is not sportive.

Walking without worry about insignificant
and small things is refreshing, even more so in clear air under the deep sky.

I walked to a park, admiring the typical autumn flower, cosmos,
and long-termed booming of abelias, faintly reddish leaves and already ripe nuts of dog wood tree.

But I leave something to be desired.
After a rainy night, we had a calmer and more placid morning.

I remembered about the field I happened to see through the train window when I went to Kyoto the other day.

It was close to the border between Nara and Kyoto, more rural than the area
where I live and I thought the field invited me.

Perhaps it reminded me of my childhood, though the area was new to me.

When I was a schoolgirl I walked to and from school seeing such fields.
Some wild flowers and some abandoned ones, spreading golden paddy fields as background, are nostalgic.

I was fulfilled my senses gradually.

When I saw cluster amaryllis I remembered that I was taught they were poisonous, and even that took me back.


At night I found this tanka in one of my favourite books, "In Thickets of Memory", by Fumi Saito.

おのれ孤りおのれの毒を食みて生き女いささか酔ふことありし 斉藤 史
Living on her own,

staying alive by feeding

on her own poison,

a woman at times displayed

some slightly toxic symptoms

translated by James Kirkup $ Makoto Tamaki

Cluster amaryllis has another name, Spider lily.
Remembering the crimson I saw in daytime, I thought of another aspect of life of the bright flower.

23 件のコメント:

Minoru さんのコメント...

こんばんは。 詩的で郷愁を覚えるブログですね。

Tomoko さんのコメント...



Have a good weekend!

Jen さんのコメント...

For me also sometimes something I see on a walk brings back childhood memories. Your pictures are lovely. I fell the transition of the seasons through them. The spiderweb is especially wonderful!

Celeste さんのコメント...

Salut Haricot,
un vrai plaisir pour les yeux voir ces si belles photos.....L'amaryllis est si étrange de beauté...
Merci pour ce beau moment.
Bon weekend.Celeste

cosmos さんのコメント...


snowwhite さんのコメント...


Rurousha さんのコメント...

I forgot that it's also cosmos season! Oh, no, when will I get a chance to go cosmos-viewing? :(

That tanka is very sad but very insightful. Painful.

PS: Lovely photos, as always. This time my favourite is the spider web! ^^

Dave King さんのコメント...

A really lovely post as are all your posts. Very moving and totally enjoyable.

stardust さんのコメント...

彼岸花は斉藤史さんのこの歌にぴったりのイメージですね。彼岸花の茎はでんぷんが豊富なので、水溶性の有毒な成分は充分水にさらせばなくなるので、非常用の食糧ともなったようです。とは言え、食べたくはないです。いろいろ名前がありますが、英語では、この花に関しては科学名のLycoris radiataが好きです。 私の子供の頃にも原っぱがたくさんありました。服にオナモミの実がたくさんついて取るのに痛い思いをしたり、春にはカラスのエンドウで笛をふきながら帰ったものです。6番目の写真は水引(草)ですか?

haricot さんのコメント...


Red Rose

I also feel the same way to enjoy this season through your recent posts.
I appreciate your kind comment.
Have a good week.


"etrange de beaute" est tres mot agreable pour les fleurs.
Je vous remerci de venir et d'ecrire un comment gentil comme ca.



sarah さんのコメント...


haricot さんのコメント...




I also sort of inner scar with this tanka poem. But I'm releaved that some comments said about humour in it.
I hope you'll meet some pretty cosmos in your favourite places.


Thank you! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this post.
Have a good week and nice work on your blog.

Lycoris radiata ですか。 怪しさを感じさせない女性的な名前ですね。茎を食用にしていたこともあると以前書いておられましたね。

erleichda さんのコメント...

I was just enjoying the view of your pictutes and was reading your words, when my daughter sat beside me and said : Å! så fine blomster mamma!
that means: oh! sich beautiful flowers mama!

...and that will be my (our) comment : )

Enjoy autumn dear friend!

haricot さんのコメント...




Oh, thank you very much. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed my post with your daughter.
Have a nice week!

In My Wild Eden さんのコメント...

What a beautiful post with such lovely pictures. I love the title of your book "Thickets of Memory". I feel as if I have taken a wonderful walk with you. Thank you.

haricot さんのコメント...

Thank you!
I like the title of the book, too.
I reread it once in a while, and each time I find something new in it.

☆sapphire さんのコメント...


haricot さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...

Your photography is beautiful! I think I'm going to enjoy visiting your blog very much! :)


haricot さんのコメント...


Thank you very much for visiting this blog.
I look forward to read your thoughts and recipes.

unrosetoinviacerreto さんのコメント...

Have the opportunity to walk in the open air, through
lawns and gardens, offers the pleasure of seeing the arrival and departure of the seasons, with their colors and their perfumes.
I wish you many new walks, so you can show us
the nature of that meeting.

haricot さんのコメント...


Thank you!
It's a good season for walking, besides the time fries.
I will find my time for taking a walk as often as possible.
I wish you'll have a good weekend.

Unknown さんのコメント...

satta king Many of these sites will also pay for good submissions, so that is just an added bonus.