
farewell to Sakura

Of Japan's 600 or so kinds of sakura or cherry blossom, around 80 percent are Somei-yoshino', hybrid plants which were interbred around end of Edo and the beginning of Meiji era (1868~).

Somei-Yoshino' (Cerasus ×yedoensis)

This kind of sakura has abundant blooms comparing wildlife species represented by Yama-zakura which blooms at the same time of shooting young leaves.

Yama-zakura (yama=mountain zakura=sakura , Cerasus jamasakura)
Information by the weather bureau  always tells about the blooming of Somei-yoshino' and its front line which goes up toward north along Japanese archipelago.
This year it was told that unexceptionally earlier bloom of sakura in some regions.

Yesterday weather forecast predicted gale-force winds and rain for the following a couple of days and it was right.
Seeing the weather through a window I remember the last viewing of cherry blossom while out for a walk in Nara Park.

I prefer some rustic flavor to stylish man made park, so I mainly walked on a field where many old cherry trees and maple ones are mingled. This field is located next to a small cozy area trimmed by many Somei-Yoshino's.

There we can see many Somei-yoshino' with pinkish white cute blossoms and also some Yama-zakura ,much older species, which  blooms a little quietly.

These are bloom of Somei-Yoshino'
This is of Yama-zakura

Some cherry trees already started to shed petals, and some deer looked as if they were eating fallen ones.
That one which looks like a rabbit is an old trunk

Although I had still much time before dusk I thought of the following tanka poem seeing the boughs above me.
誰かうしろになみだぐみつつ佇つごとし夕ぐれが桜のいろになるころ 花山 多佳子(1948~)

Behind me

someone might stand there

with moistness of eyes

as dusk became to be tinged with

hue of cherry blossoms
Takako Hanayama

20 件のコメント:

Pierre BOYER さんのコメント...

A so poetic walk...
Best regards,


Dave King さんのコメント...

I think you may have surpassed yourself this time. Every one of these images is just simply superb!

☆sapphire さんのコメント...

奈良公園の桜吹雪の後、本当にきれいですね。鹿さんって、桜の花びらを食べるのですか? 知らなかった。チェリー風味なのかしら? 山桜は清楚でいいものですね。たしかにソメイヨシノが多すぎて、植生のバランスがよくないかもしれませんね。西行の時代は、山桜や他の品種ばかりで、ソメイヨシノはなかった頃ですね。7枚目の大きな写真、本当にステキです。

stardust さんのコメント...


Jen さんのコメント...

Thank you for taking me on your walk with you. I had no idea there were so many kinds of cherry blossom. The blooming of the cherry trees is a big event in Washington D.C. and also in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (and probably lots of other gardens). I think it means that spring is here!

sarah さんのコメント...


linksdistodaquilo さんのコメント...

Belíssimas imagens!!!

haricot さんのコメント...

Thank you for this.
Cheery blossoms are so transient and evocative...


Thank you for your kind and sincere comment as usual.I enjoyed this short walk.




These blossoms are almost at their end, so they look a little sad.
I imagine the blooming of cherry trees in US. It must be gorgeous.




Thank you very much for encouraging comment.
Have a nice week!

haricot さんのコメント...



Tomoko さんのコメント...

花山 多佳子さんの短歌で歌われている桜の色ってどんな色なのかしらと、一瞬思いました。咲き始め、散るとき、曇りの下での桜、太陽の下での桜。心の持ち方で花の色も違って映るのかもしれませんね。それにしても、桜の花びらは鹿君たちの甘いおやつなのかしらね。



haricot さんのコメント...

Red Rose



♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ さんのコメント...

I'm dreaming! I dream of Eden!
Thank you, I can see the wonders of nature.
Absolutely wonderful pictures. I admire them very long while.
I'll come back here. You have a beautiful blog.
I send greetings from distant Polish.

Giga さんのコメント...

Kwiaty wiśni są śliczne, a patrzeć na nie drzewach to bajeczny widok. Pozdrawiam.
Cherry blossoms are beautiful, and the trees do not look at the fabulous view. Yours.

Rurousha さんのコメント...

I will miss the popcorn trees, but ... just think of all the beautiful summer flowers that will soon arrive! :)

haricot さんのコメント...


Thank you for visiting my blog.
Your warm comment encouraged me a lot.
My fried used to live in your country because of transfer of her husband. I sometimes hear about her experiences.


I agree with your idea about cherry trees.:)
Thank you for this.
And have a good weekend.

Ru san
Before the season of summer flowers we can enjoy many sort of young leaves, as your recent post shows.:)

cosmos さんのコメント...


haricot さんのコメント...



GABRIELA さんのコメント...

The "rustic" field looks so beautiful...If I were a painter, this is what I'd paint...trees in bloom, flowers in bloom and the joy we get by just being close to them!
This year I discovered in my neighbourhood the "ukon-zakura" and it greatly charmed my eyes with the elegant combination of ivory petals striped with young green. Most exquisite!
Cherry blossoms are great, but also....sad! They go so quickly! They make us aware of our mortality...

Unknown さんのコメント...

You live in a very beautiful Country Haricot.

Unknown さんのコメント...

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