Yesterday morning I found a quite tiny rose blooming in a pot in my garden which is far from that of multicolor.
The rose looks like burning fire with a match and my cold fingertip touched it in a spontaneous way.
Yesterday it was Setsubun( 節分), literally means "season division" by lunar calender.
Today, the following day of Setsubun, is called Risshun(立春) that means the very beginning of spring.
It is a little odd that I felt as if spring had already come yesterday, and today we are back to
winter again with cold rain.
Yesterday my husband and I walked with my dog enjoying the blessed sunlight and warmth.
Bamboo grove which was seen in a distance became closer.
Each bamboo must have some new green shoots just like treasure which is still on the inside, and each will shed old leaves when spring has come.
The sunlight looks whitish through the branches of some bare trees.
We have to wait a little longer until the buds will be easy to notice.
There was little water in the pond where we destined for.
My shadow on the dry pond looks bulky compared to that of my husband looking like one of bare trees, strangely enough ...
「寒いね」と話しかければ「寒いね」と答える人のいるあたたかさ 俵 万智(1962~)
" Cold, isn't it? "
I talked to him,
" It's cold,really"
his voice sounds alongside me,saying so
and that's warm
Machi Tawara