I took my dog.It was about 90minutes drive, and then many cluster amaryllises loomed into view.
They seem to be countless.
Many hikers and photographers were climbing the staircases slowly, and the scarlet flowers were almost in full boom on both side of the staircase which consists of about 200 stairsteps.
The flowers have multiple names, Manjyu-shage or Manjyu-shaka(曼珠沙華), and Higan-bana(彼岸花), and as English name, cluster amaryllis and spider lily, and its scientific name is Lycoris radiata.
Among the names I'm familiar with is the name, Higan-bana, not only because they bloom around Higan(equinox) in autumn, but also they look like they are blooming on the border of this world and another world ; Higan means "another world ".
This seasonal flower reminds me of this tanka poem by Sumi Konnno.
夏ゆけばいつさい棄てよ忘れよといきなり花になる曼珠沙華 今野 寿美(1952~)
They are fierce red Manjyu-shage
out of the blue
as if they say summer's gone
for setting aside and forgetting
without any restraint
I understand well the fact that the flowers come out without leaves and it makes us feel abruptness, but she tells us that we should forget...what events in summer or any hot flavor, or love to pine after someone...?
To tell the truth I like this tanka without any specific reason.
On my way to go back I realised that it's in the middle of harvest season.
Autumn equinox waits just around the corner.
Autumn equinox waits just around the corner.